Chat Commands
List Chat Commands
(markup work in progress– thanks to Medea Destiny for compiling and writing most of this)
Below is the complete list of chat commands. What’s listed are the calls after the prefix. See Prefixes, Chat Commands and Other Non-Menu Functions for how to learn, use, and change the wearer’s prefix. Help us make this list complete ! Please submit any chat commands you find that are not listed here, or ones that are listed here that no longer work, via pull request to this page.
- Many chat commands do not need a space after the prefix but some do, especially chat commands with more than a single term. All chat commands do work with a space after the prefix.
- Not all chat commands are case-insensitive (i.e some will require you to capitalize things correctly). If you see a command in the list below with a capital letter, you have to use it in that form. When you’re referring to a specific function (for example the name of an animation or a restriction preset), use the capitalization of that animation, function, etc. There are a few places where we’ve made things case-insensitive, but not everywhere. If something doesn’t work as expected, check your capitalization.
Primary menus:
calls the Main Menu
calls the Access (formerly “auth”) Menu
or menu animations
calls the Animations Menu
calls the Apps Menu
calls the Exceptions Menu in RLV
calls the Help/about Menu
calls the Leash Menu
calls the Relay Menu in RLV
calls the Restrictions Menu
calls the main RLV Menu
calls the Settings Menu
calls the pose menu in Animations
calls the couples menu in Animations
leash configure
calls the leash configuration menu in Leash
calls the Customize menu in Restrictions
menu managecamera
and menu managecamera2
call the camera control menus in Restrictions > Customize
menu managechat
calls the muffle menu in Restrictions > Customize
calls the menu to pick a target for force sit in the RLV menu
calls the Advanced menu in Restrictions
calls the undress menu in Apps
or menu detach
calls the Detach menu in Apps
or menu outfits
calls the Outfits menu in Apps
calls the Folders menu in RLV
Apps menus:
calls the main resizer menu in Settings
calls the badwords menu in Apps (if installed)
calls the themes menu in Apps
menu Capture
calls the capture menu in Apps
menu bell
calls the bell menu in Apps
calls the bookmarks menu
or menu titler
calls the titler menu in Apps
or menu label
calls the label menu in Apps
timer / menu timer calls the timer menu in APps
locks the collar
unlocks the collar
or fix menus
repairs missing menus and reboots the collar. Button in Settings.
searches for an updater owned by the wearer, and runs the update. Button in the Help/About menu.
sends a help notecard and a link to the web manual. Button in Help/About.
toggles notification of collar touches on/off.
toggles allowing collar wearer to hide collar on/off. Button in Settings.
channel [number]
- changes the listen channel to a chosen number.
tells you your access level in private chat.
print auth
lists all users auth levels (owners, trusted, block) etc. in private chat. Button in access, available to wearer and owner only.
prints channel, safeword, prefix and collar version in private chat.
reboots the collar. Button in Help/About.
reports the current prefix. Owner only.
prefix [newprefix]
changes the prefix to desired string. Owner only.
prefix reset
resets prefix to default (first two letters of user name). Owner only.
Does not require a prefix. Clears all restrictions in the collar excluding the collar lock and including the leash. Default is RED.
prints the current safeword or tells if the safeword is disabled.
safeword off
disables the safeword.
safeword [newsafeword]
resets the safeword to the desired word and enables it if it is disabled.
starts the runaway process to clear the Access settings, removing all owners/trusted/block/public/group.
starts the weld process. Requires wearer consent.
prints the name of the collar wearer.
name [newname]
changes the name of the collar wearer in collar messages.
device name
prints the current collar name.
device name [newname]
changes the name of the collar in collar messages.
print settings
prints out all stored settings. Button in Settings menu.
loads settings from .settings notecard. Button in Settings.
load url [url]
loads settings from a text file on the web.
add owner
add trust
add block
Opens a selection menu to add nearby avatars to owner / trust /block lists.
rem owner
rem trust
rem block
opens a selection menu to remove names from owner / trust / block list.
add owner [uuid]
add trust [uuid]
add block [uuid]
adds an owner/trusted/blocked to list by key, remotely.
rem owner [uuid]
rem trust [uuid]
rem block [uuid]` removes an owner/trusted/blocked from list by key.
[pose name]
plays a collar pose.
or release
stops a collar pose.
up / down
moves pose offset up or down. Only use while the desired collar pose is active.
standoffset on / standoffset off
switches offsets for standing (no pose active) on or off.
toggles animlock on or off.
posture on / posture off
switches posture collar anim (stiff neck) on or off.
[couple anim]
animates the wearer in a couple animation with command issuer. Insert the name of the couple animation in the brackets.
[couple anim] [nearby avatar name]
animates the wearer in a couple animation with a nearby avatar.
stop couples
stops playing a couple animation.
couples verbose on / couples verbose off
toggles verbose chat for couple animations on or off.
or beckon
Pulls the wearer closer, unseating them if seated if they are leashed.
or leash
takes the leash. Ranked: Owners can take the leash even if the wearer is already leashed by another avatar with access.
or anchor
opens a menu to select an object to leash wearer to.
anchor [uuid]
leashes the wearer to object with key uuid.
follow me
engages an invisible leash, making the collar wearer follow the command issuer.
follow [uuid]
makes the collar wearer follow an avatar by avatar key.
opens a selection menu from nearby chat to select who to follow.
or unfollow
stops leashing / following.
disallows movement unless pulled by leash. Not in leash menu but still available as a chat command.
or move
revokes stay, allowing movement again.
strict on
/ strict off
turns leash strict mode on or off.
turn on
/ turn off
turns the wearer in the direction of the leasher and stops it again.
opens a menu to select an avatar in nearby chat to pass the leash to.
pass [uuid]
passes the leash to a uuid where UUID can be a person or object.
opens the leash length menu.
length [value]
- sets the length of the leash to a whole number value from 1 - 60.
give holder
gives a leash holder to the command issuer.
particle reset
resets the leash particle settings.
removes first #RLV folder found with the name that matches the command name. Buttons in RLV > Folders.
removes first #RLV folder found with the matching name and all its subfolders.
Adds first #RLV folder found with the matching name.
Adds first #RLV folder found with the matching name and its subfolders.
Wears first #RLV folder found with the matching name.
Adds first #RLV folder found with the matching name.
opens list of outfits to wear. Corresponds to Browse button in Outfits.
wear [outfitname]
wears outfit with the matching name
removes all contents of outfits folders except for contents of core folder (and everything outside .core if strip all mode is on)
Other Apps
undress lock [systemlayername]
locks a system clothing layer by the name of the layer, for instance, shirt, undershirt, etc.
undress unlock [systemlayername]
a system clothing layer by the name of the layer
opens a list of attachments to remove by the name of the attachment.
rlv on
rlv off
- switches RLV functions in the collar on or off.
clears all RLV restrictions except the collar lock. Not available to owned wearers.
rlv handshakes [number]
sets the number of times the collar will attempt to confirm RLV is active in the viewer. Default is 3 and if this isn’t enough there’s probably something badly wrong with your connection, but you can increase it here if your collar is not recognizing RLV on attach / logon.
show restrictions
lists all restrictions from all sources that are handled by the collar, including the relay.
garble on
activates garbling when talk restriction is set.
garble off
deactivates garbling.
sit [UUID]
force sits the wearer on an object via object key (UUID).
forces the wearer to stand.
relay off
relay ask
relay auto
set the relay mode to the desired state.
relay helpless
toggles helpless mode on / off.
relay wearer
toggles wearer lockout for relay options.
list presets
shows current restriction presets and what they do.
preset add [presetname]
activates the named preset.
preset replace [presetname]
removes current presets and adds the named preset in place of them.
preset clear [presetname]
removes the named preset.
rlv list
lists all current restrictions.
rlv add [restrictionname]
adds the named individual restriction (see list below).
rlv rem [restrictionname]
removes individual restricion (see below).
The following individual restrictions can be added or cleared with the above commands, using either the prettified button name for the restriction or its actual internal RLV command. Note that where a command requires a value (such as the camera max distance) it will apply the value that has been set in the relevant configuration menus. For more information on what each command does, consult the RLV API document at ( and look up the individual internal command.
EXAMPLE: “/1 [prefix] rlv add fly”
Button command = internal RLV command
EmoteTrunc = emote
Send Chat = sendchat
See Chat = recvchat
See Emote = recvemote
Whisper = chatwhisper
Normal Chat = chatnormal
Shout = chatshout
Send IM = sendim
See IM = recvim
Start IM = startim
Gesture = sendgesture
Inventory = showinv
Minimap = showminimap
Worldmap = showworldmap
Location = showloc
Names = shownames
Nametags = shownametags
Nearby = shownearby
Text = showhovertext
Text HUD = showhovertexthud
Text World = showhovertextworld
Text All = showhovertextall
Landmark = tplm
TP Location = tploc
TP Local = tplocal
Accept TP = tplure
Offer TP = prequest
Permissions = acceptpermission
Edit = edit
Edit Object = editobj
Rez" = rez
Add Attach = "addattach
Rem Attach = remattach
Add Cloth = addoutfit
Rem Cloth = remoutfit
Notecard = viewnote
Script = viewscript
Texture = viewtexture
Touch Far = fartouch
Interact = interact
Attachment = touchattach
Own Attach = touchattachself
Other Attach = touchattachother
Touch HUD = touchhud
Touch World = touchworld
Touch All = touchall
Fly = fly
Jump = jump
Stand Up = unsit
Sit Down = sit
Sit TP = sittp
Stand TP = standtp
Always Run = alwaysrun
Temp Run = temprun
Unlock Cam = camunlock
Blur View = setdebug_renderresolutiondivisor
MaxDistance = setcam_avdistmax
MinDistance = setcam_avdistmin
Send Emote = rediremote
Set Debug = setdebug
Environment = setenv
Mouselook = camdistmax:0
Exceptions (Experts only!)
rlvex modify owner [value]
/ rlvex modify trust [value]
sets owner and trust exceptions to a value where the value is the bitmask of exceptions.
rlvex modify [custom] [value]
as above but changes custom value.
rlvex listmasks
lists bitmasks values.
rlvex help
lists valid commands for changing bitmasks.
rlvex listcustom
lists custom exceptions and their bitmasks.
bell volume [number from 1-10]
sets the bell volume.
bell on
/ bell off
turns the bell on or off.
bell nextsound
changes to the next available bell sound.
bell ring
rings the bell once
rm bell
Uninstalls the bell script.
tp save
opens the dialog to save the current location.
tp save [name]
saves a bookmark of that name to the current location.
tp remove
opens the list of bookmarks to remove.
tp remove [name]
removes the named bookmark.
tp [name]
teleports the wearer to the location of the named bookmark.
rm bookmarks
uninstalls the bookmarks app.
label font - open font picker menu label font (name) - set font to (name). Default values are “Andale 1”, “Andale 2”, “Serif 1”, “Serif 2”, “LCD”. label color (vector) - sets label color to (vector) - i.e <1,1,1> for white label on - show label label off - hide label label scroll on - scroll label text label scroll off - stop scrolling label (text) - set label to (text) rm label - uninstall label app
RESIZER rotation - open rotation menu position - open position menu size - open size menu rm resizer - uninstall resizer app
THEMES newtheme - lists current properties to save into a new theme notecard hide - sets collar invisible show - unhides collar
TITLER title - opens textbox to type in new title title (text) / titler title (text) - sets title to (text) titler color - opens color menu titler color (vector) - sets title color to (vector) titler show - shows title titler hide - hides title titler up - moves title higher titler down - moves title lower titler plain - toggles plaintext mode that saves title as either plaintext or base64 encoded
BADWORDS badwords add - opens text box to enter new phrase to add to bad words list badwords add (phrase) - adds (phrase) to bad words list badwords animation (anim) - sets the animation to trigger when a bad word is spoken badwords animation default - restores animation to the default shock animation badwords sound (name) - changes the sound triggered when a bad word is spoken to (name) badwords sound silent - disables badword sounds badwords penance - open textbox to add new penance phrase badwords penance (phrase) - change the penance phrase to (phrase) badwords remove - open list of badwords to remove badwords remove (phrase) - removes (phrase) from badwords list badwords on / badwords off - switch on or off badwords clear - clear all bad words from list
CAPTURE capture dump - print capture status capture on - activate capture mode capture off - deactivate capture mode capture - attempt to capture
TIMER timer permissive on / timer permissive off - set timer permissive mode on or off timer endnow - end active timer instantly timer cancel - cancels active timer, does not issue end of timer commands timer start - starts timer timer time - opens time menu timer time (time) - sets timer to (time), where (time) is in hours, minutes and seconds (e.g 2hrs 10m). Function will read most sensible ways of writing time, don’t worry. timer customs - opens text box to add custom commands (a list of chat commands separated by commas) that will be issued when timer expires timer customs (commands) - sets (commands) as a comma separated list of chat commands that will be issued when timer expires timer lockout on / timer lockout off - switches wearer lockout while timer active on or off timer unleash on / timer unleash off - switches unleash when timer expires on or off timer unpose on / timer unpose off - switches ending poses when timer expires on or off timer clearrlv on / timer clearrlv off - switches clearing rlv restrictions when timer expires on or off timer unsit on / timer unsit off - switches unsitting collar wearer when timer expires on or off timer titler on / timer titler off - switches time left titler on or off
ch here -sets current location as cagehome “cage”
ch arm - activates cage home, with setter marked as primary
ch disarm - deactivates cagehome if armed but sub not caged
ch release - release sub
ch settings - list cagehome settings
ch commands - list cagehome chat commands
ch warntime
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