Contributors Agreement Form

Text of Agreement

I confirm that my contribution to OpenCollar has been freely donated and hereafter belongs solely to OpenCollar and others downstream. OpenCollar agrees to distribute this work only with the GPLV2 and/or Creative Commons license.


Relevant work(s) and license:


To Sign: Copy the text of the above agreement. Make a new page with the .md suffix, inserting your full Sl user name, a descriptor for the works you are contributing and the relevant license. Upload the page as a pull request.

GPL V2 is used for scripts; Creative Commons is used for other resources such as mesh files, sound files, texture files, and animations.

Public domain is unlicensed and is only applied to code that can be used to link third party closed source scripts to OpenCollar code.

If you wish to donate animations, textures or mesh objects, the accompanying source files are also needed (e.g. .bvh, psp etc.)


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